Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities

A graduate of this course will gain the knowledge and skills of general computer issues and technical knowledge and skills in the field of information systems. Good to know and understand the principles of construction of modern computers and software engineering principles in sufficient detail to enable effective work in software development teams. He should also have a basic knowledge of artificial intelligence, computer graphics and human-computer communication.

Bachelor's degree
(3.5-year studies, degree: Engineer)

  • Programming and database systems,
  • Computer systems and networks,
  • Computer graphics.

A graduate of this course will gain the knowledge and skills of general computer issues and technical knowledge and skills in the field of information systems. Good to know and understand the principles of construction of modern computers and software engineering principles in sufficient detail to enable effective work in software development teams. He should also have a basic knowledge of artificial intelligence, computer graphics and human-computer communication.

Graduates of programming systems and databases should be prepared for advanced programming systems database design and programming of distributed databases tailored to the specific requirements of conditions, using different techniques, technologies and tools, programming, designing and programming web applications selected.

Graduates of computer systems and networks should be prepared to design, development, operation and administration of distributed operating systems, the analysis and identification of properties, conditions and functional requirements of advanced computer network design, implementation, operation and administration of computer networks.

Graduates of computer graphics has advanced knowledge of the methods of acquisition of information and its processing, programming, computer games, design, computer animation and computer graphics applications in the modern world. This provides for work in the software business, graphic and photographic studios, game industry or in the design of web pages.


Studying Computer Science have access to modern software, min: Oracle, Sphinx, AutoCAD 2000, SAS System, SAP, MATLAB, and you can use the free Microsoft software under license from MSDN and high performance computing cluster.
You can also develop your interest in actively participating in the scientific circle GENBIT, the conference "Engineering of computer games" and complete the CISCO academy. You do not need to be a concern associated only with the direction of Information Technology, Institute of Informatics organizes photo exhibitions under the "Academic Gallery of Photography."